October Celebrations!

It’s been a busy few weeks in our (sooner to be) inclusive home!

Not only was it the half term holiday from school and nursery (seems to have come around V quickly since the summer holidays!), we also had….

1 x wedding anniversary! = a yummy grown up meal out!

2 x children’s birthdays! = one outing with the grandparents to the beautiful gardens at Ickworth House National Trust and one halloween craft party with the kid’s cousins and the neighbour’s kids – eek!

2 x more family birthdays …. and…

…. my 2nd blog anniversary!

img_5605Quite how I managed to set up and publish my first post in such a busy fortnight two years ago I’ve absolutely no idea!!

By lovely coincidence we had surprise cause for extra celebration just before my blog anniversary our planning permission for the adaptations came through several days earlier than we expected the decision!  Very exciting! We can get on and get started, after all we’ve only been talking about it for two years 😉

I know the disabled adaptations process can be slow, but I would like to make it very clear that in this instance it’s entirely our own fault that it’s taken this long! Day to day life, work, a minor disagreement on the shape of the roof of the extension (a result of having 2 designers in the house!) and getting distracted with other projects (including this blog – oops!) has sort of interrupted actually getting on with the drawings and submitting the application!

I’d like to do a more detailed project update blog post in the next week or so (now that we have the official go ahead!) but I’ll try not to let that distract me too much form the actual project!!

We MUST try and get those detailed drawings started asap and keep up the momentum to achieving our inclusive home!


Accessibility Stories (Oct 16)

Rusty old key in a door lock

Thank you so much to everyone who linked up with my first ever #AccessibilityStories linky last month!

Perhaps it’s a reflection on the circles I move in (the toilet obsessed!), that several of the blogs linked were posts about changing places toilets.  A lack of true accessibility and inclusion, affecting so many families (including ours) being able to take part in ‘normal’ activities across the whole country!

Brody, Me & GDD beautifully describes the grim realisation as her boy grows that there is very little toilet provision for older children and adults who need assistance in the loo, and comes to the conclusion that she must do something about it! “We can choose to be affected by the world. Or we can choose to affect it

Mum On a Mission describes so eloquently the heartbreak of her and her son having to ‘make do’ in an unsuitable ‘accessible’ toilet in The future I’m trying to Change and, on the Selfish Mother, she talks of the struggle of feeling unheard and unvalued, when explaining to business’ how excluded our families are made to feel, in Why are Some Customers More Valued than Others

Ordinary Hopes has written so many amazing posts about how the lack of changing places toilets limits her son’s independence and opportunities. A crucial point she makes is that her son IS continent.  Changing places toilets are not only necessary for those who need to change nappies or pads.  For her son it’s not an issue of waiting until he gets home to change a pad, or grinning and bearing a pad change in an unsuitable space – he needs the use of a hoist to be able to use the loo.  To be able to use the loo like his friends and stay out and have fun, rather than being ruled by his bladder. He is very much aware of this inequality in provision and illustrates this with his lego character Tina. However, some venues do really live up to their inclusive image and this lovely positive post about the Eden Project describes just what a difference that makes!

Little Mama Murphy linked up two posts this month about her amazing home adaptations project! Another issue so close to my heart! ‘Disabled adaptations’ can be such a confusing, limited and expensive process. Many of us watch programmes like DIY SOS and wish the team would miraculously appear and perform an amazing inclusive family transformation of our home.  Well Little Mama Murphy has managed just that! With a team of the most brilliant friends and family members, donating their time and skill to carry out the #BigBuild4Hugh! True community spirit!

Rainbows Are Too Beautiful (I love the title of this blog!) reminds us that not all accessibility needs are physical.  Sensory issues can make a place inaccessible to many people too, and she describes how her family often have to reccy a venue in advance of visiting as a whole family in Caution at the Aquarium

You can read all the posts linked so far on my Accessibility Stories Pinterest board.

Rusty old key in a door lock as an analogy for difficult access

The linky for October is now open and I’m really looking forward to reading some fab posts from friends old and new!

Please read the guidelines and then get linking below (the linky will be open for 2 weeks)!


  1. Link up to 2 posts each month (old or new)! I don’t have a badge, but it would be lovely if you could add a text link back to my site so people can find the linky and read the other blog entries
  2. Please comment on this post to introduce yourself if you’re new to the linky, and comment on some of the other linked posts to help share ideas and experiences!
  3. It would also be amazing if you could share your post (using the hashtag #AccessibilityStories) on social media to help spread awareness of the issues around accessibility!  I’ll also try to retweet as many posts as I can!
  4. I welcome input from anyone that is affected by accessible design – users, carers, friends and family as well as designers, developers, managers and legislators (so pretty much everyone then!). I welome blogs from professionals and suppliers as well as individual bloggers as long as they keep within the spirit of idea exchange and are not sales posts for products or services.

Shouldn’t all homes be inclusive?

Originally posted on Clos-O-Mat & Building Talk

Before my children came along and I became a full time parent carer, I worked in architectural practice.  Most of my design experience has been in home design, from individual house alterations to large scale newbuild and refurbishment projects.

Rough sketch of a house planI have to say I particularly enjoy the challenge of getting stuck in to an individual home project.  It’s extremely rewarding to see how much of a difference a bit of lateral thinking, and sometimes just a few small changes, can make to the way a house works for a family.  Perhaps by releasing a bit more breathing space through changes to the layout, adding better storage to make rooms feel less cluttered or maybe extending out or up to add extra rooms.

For me it’s important to take a broad view, think about how a family uses the spaces now, and in the future.  Are the room functions in the right places?  Is there any under-utilised space? Can circulation be simplified?

Becoming a mum to my little girl with developmental disabilities has reignited my passion for encouraging more widespread consideration of accessible and inclusive design in home design, as well as places, spaces and products.

I’m also a keen advocate of sustainable design (a much, probably over, used term!), and am passionate about improving the sustainability of our new and existing homes.  But by this I don’t just mean energy efficiency, that is just a part of what good sustainable design should be.

Sustainability is also about longevity, cost effectiveness and minimising waste.  If a home is built with flexibility in mind from the start, that seems to me to be fundamental to the sustainability ethos – in that it will last longer, cost less over the lifetime of the house and be changeable without being wasteful.

Designing a home for a whole lifetime’s needs (to standards like lifetime homes), will make subsequent alterations as unobtrusive and cost effective as possible and, quite apart from anything else, if you reach a time in your, or a loved one’s, life when greater accessibility becomes more critical, invasive building work is probably the last thing you will want to think about!

Accessibility also nicely slots in to the health and wellbeing aspect of sustainable design – why not make sure our homes more welcoming to ALL of our friends and family whose needs may be different to our own (perhaps granny with a walking aid, or your newly crawling niece or nephew?).

However for some reason inclusive design still doesn’t seem to be seen as a mainstream concept.  There’s a perception that accessibility is only for wheelchair users. House design is either ‘wheelchair friendly’ or not, and there really is an acute shortage of the ‘wheelchair friendly’ variety.

It’s widely acknowledged that there is a housing crisis in the UK at the moment, with particular shortages in the south east of England and this compounds the shortage of accessible homes.

EJ in her standing frame facing her baby brother in a bouncerSomehow the idea that inclusive design (or even better accessible or universal design) is of benefit to us all, isn’t being embraced!  I guess if you are young and fit it’s easy to be oblivious as to how our environment and buildings can make life difficult (or even impossible) for some people, but if you get injured and have to use crutches or a wheelchair, or even try to push a pram or wheel a large suitcase around, the environment can suddenly appear very inhospitable.

One of my dreams is to see inclusive design become ‘everyday’, for there no longer to be any need to differentiate inclusive design as a separate, niche, concept.  I want to see fantastic examples of accessible homes featured on TV makeover shows, and in the homestyle magazines, so that disabled people and their families are presented with inspirational examples of how fantastic their homes can be, and (perhaps more importantly) so that non disabled people see inclusive design as an interesting and exciting design approach for life-long happy homes – to break the perception that accessibility is all ugly plastic grab rails and old fashioned stair lifts.

I want to see a celebration of design that is flexible for a variety of needs, design that not only works for you, your children and your grandchildren but that is stylish and ideal homes worthy!

Good inclusive design should allow everyone to be able to participate as fully with family life (as they want to!) as naturally as possible – what can be more valuable than that?

Keep Calm and Carry On Linking Sunday

Accessibility Stories (sept 16)

I am very excited to be launching my shiny new linky today!

I’m hoping this will turn into a helpful informal tool to allow an exchange of ideas and experiences (good and bad!) of the accessibility of buildings, places, spaces and products, and to spread the message much further than our lone voices can!

Rusty old key in a door lock

I welcome input from anyone that is affected by accessible design – users, carers, friends and family as well as designers, developers, managers and legislators – so pretty much everyone then!

I intend for this to be a regular monthly thing, on the last Thursday of the month, so a round up of the month’s posts of sorts (however posts don’t have to be written that month, or indeed new!).  Depending on the number of posts linked, I’ll write up a little summary or pick out a few highlights at of the previous month’s entries when I post the next link.

I’m really looking forward to reading some fab posts from friends old and new!

Please read the guidelines and then get linking below (the link will be open for a week)!


1. Link up to 2 posts each month (old or new)! I don’t have a badge, but it would be lovely if you could add a text link back to my site so people can find the linky and read the other blog entries.

2. Please comment on this post to introduce yourself if you’re new to the linky, and comment on some of the other linked posts to help share ideas and experiences!

3. It would also be amazing if you could share your post (using the hashtag #AccessibilityStories) on social media to help spread awareness of the issues around accessibility!  I’ll also try to retweet as many posts as I can!

4. I welome blogs from professionals and suppliers as well as individual bloggers as long as they keep within the spirit of idea exchange and are not sales posts for products or services.

talking of home

Vaila and the other speakers on stage

I gave a short talk at the Health, Social Care & Housing conference last week!   One of a series of sessions running parallel with the main Chartered Institute of Housing Conference in Manchester from 28-30th June (#CIHhousing16).

Laptop showing powerpoint slides It’s totally out of my comfort zone, but raising awareness of inclusive & accessible housing is such an important issue to me that when Habinteg kindly asked me to join them in a talk, I just had to say yes!

Habinteg are champions of accessible design and are one of the founders, and now maintainers, of Lifetime Homes standards (the widely used inclusive design standards for housing). Habinteg’s Paul Gamble chaired the session, which examined the links between accessible housing and the pressures in social care.  The two other speakers were researcher Martin Wheatley (@wheatley_martin) and Michelle Horn from Centre for Accessible Environments.

Martin presented highlights from the new research he’s been carrying out (involving Habinteg, Papworth Trust, IPSOS Mori & LSE), trying to identify and quantify the REAL need for accessible housing. Such a difficult area to pin down as not all people who need increased accessibility necessarily identify themselves as disabled, and/or may not be ‘in the system’, so even these new results could be an underestimate of the real need. (And of course that’s putting aside the fact that although every family doesn’t ‘need’ their home to be accessible right now, every family, at any point in time, could need their home to be more accessible for themselves or for their wider friends and family).

Some really interesting findings were presented, which could help give context to, and generate a more widespread appreciation for, the value of inclusive and accessible design in the mainstream.  The two findings that excited me most were:

  1. Disabled people are not mostly old people! Martin’s stats showed that over 50% of disabled people are working age people or children.  I think this is really important for design, because often the perception of accessibility is ‘old age’ and this often takes the style and glamour out of it! (Not that I’m saying older people are not stylish and glamourous you understand! I know many who are! – but there does seem to be a hint of the industry not trying very hard when it comes to design + old age.
  2. Accessiblity features don’t put house buyers off! I think this is huge! Part of the research was a survey of a typical cross section of society (with a broadly proportionate number of disabled & non-disabled people). The question was broken down into elements (broadly similar to the lifetime homes categories) and most were seen as an advantage rather than disadvantage.  It was just the very specialist items, like vertical lifts, that were deemed were off-putting (presumably to those who didn’t need them!). I think this is really valuable information to help demonstrate the desirability of accessibility!

Michelle talked of our existing housing situation in the uk. For example, at present only 6% of our homes have even the basic accessibility features, in line with the new ‘visitable’ building regulations standards (Part M: Category 1).  So even if we were building 100% of homes to lifetime homes standards (or Part M: Category 2), it’s going to take us a very long time to reach anywhere near enough to house the current estimate of 20% of families with a member who has access needs. And if we are to continue on our current trajectory, only providing 10% of wheelchair accessible housing in our newbuild developments, there’s no doubt that more expensive (and disruptive) adaptations will continue to be necessary to existing properties.

Vaila and the other speakers on stageMy own contribution to the talk was one of two halves.  Firstly our own home story, told from a family perspective, what ‘making do’ actually means for us and what we plan to do to our house – you can read part one of my talk on Habinteg’s blog.

The second half was more of a call to action – How do we shake the perception that accessibility is niche? That there isn’t inclusive design & normal design, that if society is really serious about inclusion and equality, then shouldn’t all design be inclusive? Edited to add: Habinteg have posted part two on their blog too.

I’m so glad I took part in the talk. It was great to meet & chat to the other speakers and we had some lovely feedback from people who attended.

Habinteg are following up with a day of action on Friday 8th July!

Do get involved on twitter with the #ForAccessibleHomes hashtag!


picture books

Children's books

One of the things I miss about not working in the office is access to the practice library.

The internet is brilliant for finding information, ideas, images…. especially when you are researching for a blog from the comfort of your own sofa!  But not everything is available online.  Building standards, reglulations and technical design guides for example.  I’ve also found it quite tricky finding interesting and inspiring examples of accessible housing projects online… and of course the internet is not quite the same as flicking through real paper books, with pretty pictures in.  Designers do like a pretty coffee table picture book or magazine for a bit of inspiration!


The picture books beginning to take over my bookshelves are not quite relevant for building design… unless you count Iggy Peck Architect, Rosie Revere Engineer & What Do People Do All Day?!

It was my birthday recently and some of my lovely relatives gave me some money to spend so I thought it was about time I treated myself to some nice new books (to compete with the kids on bookshelf space!) and to get me up to date with new ideas and get some design inspiration.

So, as you do (when you want some geeky techie books and coffee table architecture books), I popped onto the RIBA Bookshops website and searched for:


Ok well I’ll try:


I wasn’t expecting loads of titles, but I have to say I was pretty surprised to see next to nothing come up on any of the searches I did for accessibility, inclusive design, wheelchair accessibility….!  So much so, I emailed the bookshop to ask if I was missing something, but they only came back with a couple of other titles.  Another big surprise was that, of all the titles I found, only 2 are post 2010! Only two accessible design titles listed in the UK’s biggest architecture bookshop published after the Equalities Act!?

It would be nice to think this is because accessible & inclusive design publications don’t need to be singled out from the general design books….. maybe one day….. but I don’t think that’s it.  I just don’t think we (we, as in everyone, not just designers) have grasped the importance of accessibility for all of us, not just as a niche, not just as a token gesture.

My other theme of interest is sustainable & eco design, and it’s telling just how much a general popular interest in this concept has broadened it’s appeal, and I guess, snowballed the demand for ‘eco’ building, such that there is now a pretty good selection of specialist books for that subject, plus coverage in general architectural design books, magazines and the home design media.  My searches for titles in this category came up with much more healthy results:

Eco homes/housing/house = 121/154/600 products

Green homes/house = 22/14 products

So, I don’t quite know how we start it, but for so many reasons, not least if we are serious about building an inclusive society, we really need to start an accessible design snowball ASAP….!



are home design magazines accessible?

No, not directly anyway.

But, with a little shift in focus, I think they could quite easily be more inclusive.

I tend to buy a home design/refurbishment/style magazine each month. Not always the same one, I like a bit of variety!

This month (July 2015) I decided to do a little bit of homework and grabbed a selection of them. My perception was that there wouldn’t be much mention of inclusive design or accessibility, but I’d never really scrutinized them before and thought it would be an interesting exercise to be more analytical about it. And so, I decided to read my selection (Grand Designs, Homebuilding & Renovating, House Beautiful and Living Etc) word by word from cover to cover to see how many direct (and indirect) references I could find….

My criteria was: Use of the words (or variations of): disability, accessibility, inclusive/universal/design for all, flexibility and/or any articles which made reference to future needs, varying abilities etc. So my results were….

A pretty resounding: NIL 

This mini study was obviously with a very small sample group so I could be doing a disservice to the magazines I selected, however…

IMG_3587In the 4 magazines the only time I saw the word ‘accessible‘, it was in relation to the colour blue!

I spotted the word ‘disabled’ in one article (hurrah!), but it was just one sentence about how self building was something everyone can do, and unfortunately there was no expansion of the statement to explain the benefits that self-building held for those with a disability.

No use of the word inclusive at all (that I could find).

However there were a few articles that referred to flexibility for future use (mostly in the context of growing families.  I feel a little bit of extra content could easily have extended that concept to include families or individuals with other needs).

Another article mentioned multi-generational living. It’s an area which I find really interesting from an inclusive perspective, except that in this particular article it was used in the context of the older generation not selling up, and therefore causing a stagnation of the housing market.  (I’m not really clear how multi-generation living would cause a problem in this way as, it seems to me, to be a positive way to inhabit larger homes!?) – A slightly odd take on it I felt, but at least it was mentioned!

Also an ad for a new kit home (House Beautiful) covered multi-generational living.  This was one of the 3 show homes built at the Ideal Home Show. By far my favourite as it looked to me as if it probably complies (or comes close to) Lifetime Homes standards.

However although there were no direct references to inclusion, there were lots of articles and at least one or two lovely projects featured (in each magazine) that contained many aspects relevant to inclusive design. Lots of projects with big open plan living spaces, many ‘single level homes’ (bungalows!), some 2/3 storey homes with a downstairs loo (some large enough for a shower!) and a couple that also featured a separate room that I thought might be suitable to convert to a bedroom (if needed by a family member or overnight guest that couldn’t use the stairs)!

It would have been lovely to see these inclusive aspects highlighted and celebrated in the articles. An ideal opportunity to prompt people to think about their own future needs, and to think about how they could make their home more welcoming to disabled or elderly friends or family.  Not to mention giving some inspirational examples to people who are actively seeking to make their home more accessible!

And purely from a sale’s point of view…there’s whole market out there that isn’t being catered for (e.g. this gov article about the ‘purple pound’ on the high st)!



design that cares

It’s Carers week 2015 in the UK so I thought I’d write a little bit about us and about the difference a ‘care friendly’ home would make.

We are all on different journeys to become carers, for some it is a sudden occurrence (through accident or sudden illness), but for most (I think?) it’s a very gradual thing.

IMG_3402We didn’t know EJ was going to have additional needs when she was born, her neurological condition only gradually revealed itself to us.  She’s now 4.5 and is non-verbal with very limited communication and understanding, is mobile in a sort of bunny hop/bumshuffle fashion, can stand and take a few steps with support but is a long way from walking (if she ever does?). I still feel a bit weird about the term carer as it applies to me – I’m a mum, and being a mum to any child is being a carer – isn’t it? However I can see that the older EJ gets, the more I will fit into the role of parent carer. My days continue to involve a lot of guessing what she needs/wants, nappy changing, help with eating, lifting, oh and hugs!  Lots of hugs!

In my ideal world we’d already live in an accessible home, or at least one built to inclusive design standards like lifetime homes. When we bought our house it was more a matter of finding something we could actually afford in an area that my husband could commute to work from! The house we have is the only one we found that fitted those categories (it only fitted the affordability category as it needed quite a lot of TLC!) – but, it is not accessible.

We, like so many others, are ‘making do’ in an unsuitable house (for other people’s stories see Leonard Cheshire’s #Hometruths campaign).

We could move – but there is a real lack of accessible housing on the private sale market and almost zero on the private rental market.

We could join the council housing/housing association list – but again there’s a distinct lack of available properties and therefore any that come up are in extremely high demand.

Or finally, (and this is the route we are going down) we could adapt. (We are very grateful that there is some financial support for this in the form of the Disabled Facilities Grant, but it is a long process and, of course, is a limited sum – so to meet Twinkle’s needs our project will involve partially self funding – ie borrowing more!).

None of our options would be a quick fix, and most would involve a large amount of upheaval, stress and cost – something that people finding themselves needing care or in a caring role can little afford – and for that reason, many just struggle on continuing to try and ‘manage’ with what they have.

Unfortunately the house building industry often seems to pigeonhole design very much as ‘wheelchair friendly’ or ‘normal’. But what is ‘normal’!?

If you think about it, everyone begins life ‘disabled’! We’re not born walking, most of us begin life ‘on wheels’! Many of us will also end life with reduced mobility (not to mention the whole spectrum of conditions between cradle and grave that could affect our use and enjoyment of our homes (sight, hearing, dementia…..). To me it just seems wasteful and unsustainable not to design homes to allow for this transition as easily as possible!

Some councils, have adopted a standard called Lifetime Homes for new houses. It is meant as exactly that. It doesn’t have to be fully wheelchair accessible from the start, but that the fundamentals of the design should consider a whole lifetime’s needs. The house, and access to it, follow a checklist of features that would make life much easier for a disabled or elderly resident or visitor (and therefore also for those caring for them). The design should also take into account how it could be adapted in the future if needed (e.g. where lifts or hoists could be positioned for the greatest benefit and least impact on the rest of the family).

I would love to see this standard adopted nationally for new housing. It would ease so much pressure (both mental and physical!) for people if their home accommodated them easily, no matter their ability, without having to go through disruptive changes at a difficult time in their lives (not to mention helping free up space in hospitals if people can more easily return to their own homes!).

But the scope shouldn’t just be new houses! Like us, most people live in a ‘2nd hand house’! What I’d like to see is more inspiration and information out in the mainstream media about the benefits of inclusive and accessible design for everyone. There is the occasional article in the mags or a feature on home design TV shows, and (of course!) there is the gold standard – DIYSOS Big Build – who do amazing work! However generally these features tend to include a disabled family member. How often is there any mention of accessibility or inclusion otherwise? So often when these TV shows start off, the family is young and able, with no children (or pregnant, so many of them are pregnant!), building a home for their new family life – how fab would it be to discuss inclusive design in this context – a home that’s easily adaptable for whatever life throws at you?!

We need a change in perception! We need to get people thinking about how their home can be comfortable for the long haul? Consider flexibility for the future!

I understand that it may seem a bit depressing to be talking about degenerative health when you embark on a new and exciting house project, but inclusive design is not just about illness, disability and old age. Inclusion is about multi-generations. It’s about children, people with bikes to store, being able to get big furniture into the house without taking out a door frame! It’s about well considered planning. You only have to watch a few episodes of Grand Designs or read a few interiors and house design magazines and to see that people are aspiring to lovely wide open plan spaces, level garden decks etc – lots of things that are completely compatible with inclusive design. Nothing makes achieving wheelchair turning circles easier than minimizing narrow corridors and gaining more open plan living space! Lifetime homes/design for all needs is just an extension of what people are already moving towards. With an extra layer of thought added:  Where would a vertical lift go if one was needed in the future? Would a room downstairs be able to become a bedroom? What about wheelchair storage areas (also useful for bikes, buggies, kids trikes/scooters) or the downstairs loo big enough to fit a wet floor shower (- and how useful for hosing down muddy kids and dogs too!)?

We are all willing to take out insurances to protect our fincances when we buy a home, so why not consider our future needs in our home when making a big investment like an extension and/or refurbishment? I think people would be open to consider these ideas were they made aware of the the benefits and offered inspiration!

I think a lot can be learned from the way that improvements in energy efficiency performance has moved up the agenda in recent years. An Eco home is now a sellable feature so why shouldn’t inclusive sit proudly alongside eco on that estate agents brochure!?

Spectrum Sunday
Mummy Times Two

an ideal home?

On my quest to get up to date with what’s going on in the design world, and try to work out the amount of crossover there is between the homestyle and homebuilding sector and the independent living world, I’ve been googling, tweeting, browsing magazines and have gone along to a few shows/exhibitions. I had hoped to get to a few more (unfortunately the pesky issue of childcare foiled me there!) so I had planned this post as a comparison of some of the home shows and independent living shows, however as I did make it down to London Olympia for the last weekend of the Ideal Home Show, I’ll have to concentrate on that trip!


I was running late (as usual!), and almost managed to go to the wrong venue (Earls Court – oops!), but I made it just in time to catch the start of George (Amazing Spaces) Clarke’s talk! I really like George Clarke’s programmes, Amazing Spaces and Shed of the Year are particularly enjoyable, I think because they are so tangible to people – it’s so easy to imagine yourself getting stuck into a small project like the ones featured! In fact every time I watch Amazing Spaces, I end up on google looking for small caravans to refurbish (and I’m really not joking! – a bespoke adapted caravan would make holidays so much easier with Twinkle because sorting out a safe bedspace can be a major issue for us on overnight trips!)!

I love these sorts of exhibitions! There’s always loads see, but they can be pretty overwhelming unless you have a specific focus.

I think my favorite area this year was the garden zone, probably because it is most current in my mind – we are planning to sort out our own forest garden and would love to add a lot of sensory aspects. I’m also a little obsessed with inclusive playgrounds so I’m always looking out for interesting landscaping ideas, sensory elements and interesting textures.

As well as updating myself on design trends and picking up ideas for our project, the big reason for me going to the exhibition was to see how (if?) inclusive and/or accessible design was addressed. I’m afraid to say it really wasn’t much at all (I’m so sorry to pick on you, Ideal Homes, but as I didn’t make it to Grand Designs Live or the Homebuilding & Renovating Show, I don’t know how they compared).

There were very long queues for the full scale show homes (built in the middle of the hall!) but I felt I must look around the ‘Future proof home’ thinking it would be the one for me. Info on the route round was a bit lacking, the people in front of me were expecting futureproofing to mean technology and (of course!) I was thinking futureproofing meant design for life, but in actual fact it was environmental sustainability (we had to ask one of the members of staff at the end of the route!). For more information I was directed to the company who had a stand just outside. From an environmental point of view it was really fantastic, almost passivhaus standard which is exactly the right direction we should be going as far as I’m concerned from an energy point of view. However there was no specific reference to inclusive design or accessibility as part of the futureproofing. I got the impression that it was not something they’d really considered as ‘a thing’. Yes, of course they’d design for wheelchair access if the client asked, as each house would be bespoke, but for a product that is such a huge investment shouldn’t we be encouraging homeowners to consider their future needs? I get that growing old or considering ill health is not completely in the spirit of aspiration for an ‘ideal’ future, but people are willing to discuss insurances and invest in pensions for the future, so why wouldn’t they want to think about designing their house to adapt for their lifetime? – If they could be shown how inspirational design could make that a reality!?

The House Beautiful showhome was a different story. I have to say the actual aesthetic of the house was not completely to my taste (sorry guys!) but the important thing is that the internal planning has been well considered. The driver for them was to design for multi-generational living, and it followed that the resulting layouts are accessible and adaptable and look as if they follow most, if not all, of the Lifetime Homes principles. The bloke at the stand that I spoke hadn’t heard of Lifetime Homes, and it wasn’t mentioned on the literature, but if the plans do comply I think they ought to be celebrating that and using it as a positive sellable asset in the marketing of their new homes!

A few people I spoke to around the hall seemed interested but I didn’t feel it was something that was really on the agenda and one guy quoted some odd (very low) figures to me about the number of people who ‘need’ inclusive housing. On the spot I couldn’t recall any figures myself so I made a mental note to research the stats! (Edited to add this link to the government website giving some disability facts and figures).  However my point was, inclusive design isn’t just for people who ‘need’ it, it’s not just for the stereotype disabled person, it can just make life easier for everyone e.g. parents with prams and wriggling toddlers. When I put that to him, he said ‘well our parent’s managed’ – erm!? Don’t we want more from an Ideal Home than just managing? Shouldn’t our homes be designed to make life easier for all the family? Young, old and disabled or not?

As I was leaving the hall, I stopped at the map by the entrance and had another scan through the exhibitors to see if I’d missed the big accessible design area….but no, nothing obvious. A couple of the (very lovely and very helpful) staff asked if they could help and I asked them if they could think of anything. Neither of them could. I also asked them if they’d had many disabled visitors, and they said yes they had!

So Ideal Homes (and all other homestyle and homebuilding media), in planning your future shows I’d like to ask you to:

Please think about the disabled visitors you have that want to be inspired!

Please think about the vsitors who have disabled or elderly relatives and friends who could make their homes more accessible and welcoming!

There is a huge market out there that you are missing out on!


playground fun

Feeling the vibrations, Robert Burns Museum, Ayr

I spotted a poster on our village notice board a few weeks ago for a consultation event about a new children’s playground for the village, and (being both a mum and an architect!) I couldn’t stop myself from going along and to see what it was all about!

It was a really well attended event and exciting to see lots of families engaging with the ideas being displayed!  Lots of drawing and children and parents filling out comments forms.

There were 4 concepts tabled by 4 different companies (Hags-SMPKompanPlaydale and Wicksteed).

The proposals all catered for a large age range (toddler to 12ish years old) and all of them had fun suggestions. I don’t think I really favoured any one particularly over the others – there were similarities and differences that made them all interesting in different ways.

Culzean Country Park, National Trust for Scotland
Culzean Country Park, National Trust for Scotland

Our request was (surprise surprise!) for the final design to consider inclusive play and equipment as much as possible!

I am passionate about EJ being able to join in activities with her friends and siblings (in her own way). However, I think it’s also so valuable for all children to have the opportunity to meet and interact with children with differences, because the more they do, the less ‘different’ disability becomes.

It would be fantastic if more playgrounds featured inclusive activities and equipment, that everyone can use. This approach is not just about enabling children with additional needs, but also allowing siblings and friends of varying ages, and even mum or dad to join in, and play together. Inclusive play also often equates to more imaginative play, as children find new ways to use equipment and join in with activities.

Cherry Hinton Park, CambridgePlaygrounds are really important to all children’s development (balance, body awarenes etc) but for children like EJ with sensory processing disorder, vestibular stimulation (things like swinging, spinning around, bouncing) is particularly important – it’s all fun therapy and learning!

I’m always on the lookout for places that EJ can join in with her brother and cousins.  I have a list of our favourite playground equipment on pinterest, that I try to spot when we are out and about and passing new places, and I’m also starting to gather ideas on my pinterest boards for fun (and lots of sensory) things to do in our own garden (some are more achievable than others! – unless I get Alan Titchmarsh’s team to come and sort us out!).

In the playground, we love:

Nene Valley Park, Peterborough
  • Swinging – who doesn’t love a swing! EJ is too tall now for a toddler swing so we particularly like the big basket type that she can lie in safely.
  • Spinning – there are lots of cool accessible roundabouts on the market now which are flush with the ground and that you can push a pram/buggy/wheelchair onto.
  • Bouncing – trampolines, rope bridges, nets (again, fun for everyone!)
  • Textures – EJ loves the feel of sand!
  • Scrambling – Things to crawl over and scramble about on (like mounds and tunnels)

My favourite new idea from the day was adding a saftey net below a rope pyramid climbing frame which EJ could lie or sit on and would be able to feel the bouncing and vibrations from other children climbing on the ropes – she would love that!

Meanwhile, 16 month old EW spend most his time monopolizing the little slide, so I guess he was trying to tell us his preferences lie there!

grant application approved!

We’ve had some great news for our house project!

Our application for DFG (Disabled Facilities Grant) funding has been approved by the panel!

It comes with slightly mixed emotions, as the feedback was that the panel deemed it quite clear that Twinkle’s needs require us to make significant changes to our house, which will most likely take us over the maximum grant limit. Of course we know Twinkle has additional needs and has impaired mobility, but living day to day you sort of forget!  Our life with Twinkle is just ‘our normal’ and it does still take me aback on the occasions when, without much question, our little girl is slotted neatly into a ‘disabled’ category by others.

IMG_2754However this is very good news for us! Needing so much intervention means that the OT & surveyor are now in a position agree the proposals with us without having to return to panel. This, along with partial self funding, gives us more flexibility within the design and planning and able to pursue our preference for ground floor living for Twinkle, with full (and hopefully independent!) access throughout.

So it’s out with our fat pens and tracing paper to look at our options for getting the best from our house (for Twinkle and the whole family!)….!