
Links to some resources that may be useful if you are looking into a home redesign or adaptations project:

Royal Institute of British Architects – The RIBA is the professional body for UK Architects (not all architects are members of the RIBA, but many are so their database is a good starting point for finding an architect in your area with the right experience).  In Scotland there is also the RIAS

Planning Portal – This is the government resource for planning and building regulations for national policy in England and Wales.  Each local authority also have their own more detailed local policy on top of this.

Access to and use of buildings: Approved Document M – Building Regulations documents (for England) which cover accessibility. This link allows you to view pdf versions of both volumes of Part M, covering dwellings (volume 1) and non-domestic buildings (volume 2).

Disabled Facilities Grant – Government website outlining the (DFG) grant and eligibility.  The DFG is means tested for adults but not for children.

Foundations HIA – Foundations is the National Body for Home Improvement Agencies in England and they support local authorities to improve how they deliver Disabled Facilities Grants (DFGs). The website has a helpful guide and FAQs about the DFG process.

Habinteg – Founded in 1970 with a main objective to provide homes for disabled people that were integrated into mainstream housing schemes. Habinteg have been instrumental in developing accessible housing standards and the lifetime homes standards. There’s lots of great info, advice and research on their website.

Lifetime Homes – Design standards for new housing which many LAs have as a planning requirement.  I would love to see this as a consistent legislation for ALL new housing (private and public) nationally.

Housing LIN – (Housing Learning and Improvement Network) brings together housing, health and social care professionals in England, Wales, and Scotland to exemplify innovative housing solutions for an ageing population.

Wheelchair Accessible Housing – A best practice design guide produced by the Mayor of London’s office (2007).

Disability and the Build Environment Inquiry Report – Inquiry by the Government’s Women & Equality Committee, which covers two of my two main themes – houses & toilets! (I even get a little quote in both those sections!).

The Passivhaus Trust – Passivhaus is the leading international low energy, design standard. Passivhaus methodology can also be seen as a way of providing high standards of occupant comfort and health.

GreenSpec – GreenSpec provides a large database of green building products and advice on green building.